Thursday 27 December 2012

Sesat di France~

Aish. rs cam nak ketok2 je pale adek aku nih.=_=.. nyusahkan family ja keje... motif ak tls camni.. aigoo... dunno how to say lah.. hmmmm.. kadang ak pun x fm dgn family aku ni ha. but.. what im sure is.. it was a good deed.... but pls la adek, klau mahu bwat baik pun pikir your family jgk taw..T_T.. sian si akim td mengangkut sratus cucuk satay.. korang nk tau tak nape ak tak ske nak suruh parents ak bwat umah terbuka bagai.. or ajak kwn reramai dtg umah.. ak tak kesah dorang nk dtg, tp klau ramai2.. aku kesah yg byk.. adelah sbb nya.. takleh kactau. prvate n confidential. *so?* =.='' hehe~


Anyway, alang2 dah tls ni bkn ape, teringin gila *hyperbolanyerr* nak share psl.. some of my past la.. hehe.. korang pnah tak tersesat sengsorang kat.. tempat asing.. SORANG2~ korang takde dwet, takde contact *sbb korang kat oversea kan*.. pastu, mlm2 lagi.. and nak communicate pun tak reti, sbb taktau bahasa ... hehehe.. ni nak cter....

it was nearly midnight.. around march.. in a country called.. France.. I was alone.. after watching my uppatachi.. I can't get hold to my unni (she studied in Germany?*i forgot*) and worse, my mobile ph operator just hate me, the roaming system didn't work.. T.T.. glad, it wasn't so cold since spring is appraoching.. I have only little money.. I'm not sure of the direction, cuz i thought my unni will be my tour guide there, and my train map, I gave to my dongseng, cuz she's leaving earlier to catch her flight back to Egypt and to M'sia.. Ah. it was complicated to explain anyway =_=.. I didn't care to write down the hotel name, and I don't know how to speak their language, cuz, they just refuse to speak in English.. That.. was the first time I felt so lost in my life.. Like a small kid get separated from her mommy at shopping complex.=_='' all because... I depend too much on my thought that .. I'll meet my unni after the show finish and she'll guide me from there, but i didn't think of a possibility I might not be able to contact her..T.T..

I have so many funny thought.. Like... Should I just sleep anywhere.. macam homeless. *haha*. atau, redah je pegi hotel unni. sbb ak igtlah gak sket nma hotel tu.. but.. not so sure.. so it's like 50-50 .wohoo~ cemas tak *_*~.. but worse thing is.. ak bwk sket je duit taw.T.T and org kata, paris ni bhy tau malam2..T.T.. ing~.. time tu gila pasrah .. then, I looked back.. i did crazy thing by flying here and there.. haha.. tp ianya menyeronokkan.. sbbnya gila korea sgt kan =_='' but suma tu experience.. oh, lupa nak smbung crita.. akhirnya, ak jumpa gak unni aku. dia kol tepon ak guna tepon ada budak indon kot ..hoho.. random gila kan~kkkkk... tp time tu sgt bersyukur.. aku punya dah cemas tau. dekat sejam gaklah tersadai kat tepi station ketapi berkira-kira nak redah je hotel mana2.+_+'' or tido kat station ketapi.*haha*. and we met at le zenith ..*__*.time tu Tuhan je tahu betapa leganya t.t. sob3.. tu la pegalaman lost plg scary.

Pengalaman lain, sesat di London.. actually bkn sesat, tp tepisah dr kengkawan aku.hehe.. nntilah lain kali ak cter~.. plg cemas gila gila gila*sgtlah biha oii*. time terpisah dgn bestie time kat korea this year. tu pun, nnt aku cterr jeng3~~*_*~

today I tried to make teh c peng using gula melaka. well. it wasn't bad for the 1st try.. except I need to buy evaporated milk instead. haha~ =_=. *the tase is similar to normal tea, UNFORTUNATELY* T.T zannen des ne.. zehi ganbattekimas.>__<~~

mungkin sy patut belajar buat bendalah ni..*_*~

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