Jawab dpt pahala, tak jawab, dapat murka. hahaha.=p
Senyum dulu!! macam sayer ^____^
now, boleh start baca =p
Alhamdulillah.. say Alhamdulillah ..=) Sebab Allah dah beri kita nikmat kehidupan smpai saat ini. Utk menambahkan amalan, meningkatkan keimanan, dan yg paling penting!.. Sbg persediaan menuju ke syurga..=D =D =D
Now.. dah ready???
Vendeur festival??? hehe. pekebendenyelah tue yerrr..=_=
Dipendekkan cerita.. kroang leh guna hashtag #vendeurfestival kat instagram and twitter utk tahu lebih lanjut..
Tahun ini, julung2 kalinya ia diadakan di stadium tertutup melawati shah alam.. Haaa.. nak tahu takk.. punya ramai umat..sardin pun kalah tau.. pehhh~ ada hikmah ak tak pergi.. Sbg seorang yg sering kekurangan oksigen *haha*.. mmg sungguh tidak seswai tempat tu utk aku.ditakuti ada babak2 999 pulak nnt.. heeee *hyperbola..
Well, not really.. But for some reason, I can't stand a very very crowded place. it makes my eyes, ears and head hurts like crazey.. hahaha~.=p
Apapun, #VF ni mmg sgt2 membantu pengusaha dan usahawan2 melayu la esp di negaro kiter nih.. mcm satu platform utk mengetengahkan vendor2 underground esp yg baru2 nak naik tu.. siyesly.. mmg usaha murni lah team VF tue. hehe. rugi plak ai tak join as a volunteer ke.. or may be they don't need any.=_=..
yag tak sempat pergi hr sabtu ni.. ahad ada lagi. pakat2 lah mai.. hehehehe. giler byk baju2, makanan pun, and ada yg jual pakej pelancongan tau.. hee. cool kan?? *_*~
bestnya kan. dia byk jual produk2 or baju2 yg muslimah tu tau. selendang2 gitu.. tu yg ai like tu.. so, secara tak langsung ble org tgk cam cantk cam comel jer.. scr tak langsung bleh jd mcm medium utk bedakwah dan ngajak org menutup aurat dan pkai bju yg muslimah ..=)..
Tu yg ai loike about this #VF..
Dah, ak tanak bebel pnjang, kome cer gugel sendirik lah yer.=)..
"Kadang2 Allah datangkan org2 yg buat kita sakit hati smpi rasa nak nangis bukan sbb Allah nak uji kita, tapi, sebab Allah sayang kita. Allah nak kita belajar sesuatu daripada bende2 macamtu.=).."
"Sebenarnya kita banyak berfikir tentang masalah kehidupan kita, tapi terlalu sedikit kita berfikir tentang Ar-Rahman(Allah Maha Pengasih) "
Terlalu luas nikmat kehidupan.. Kita kira dlm sehari berapa kali Malaikat Izrail nak tarik nyawa kita.. Tp, Allah kata nanti dulu..nanti dulu.. Kita tak nampak kan....... Sbb Allah syg kita... Dia taknak kita mati dlm keadaan tidak bersedia..
Bila kita berfikir tentang Ar-Rahman selalu, percayalah, hati akan jadi lebih tenang. segala masalah hanyalah bagaikan cubitan2 manja sahaja..hahaha *bahasasastera*
A friend who always look energetic and positive in life. You're busy with a lot of things from business, people, family problems with lack of sleep.. Up to the point.. Don't you feel tired?? But with people around you, you never fail to look energetic.. giving energy to other people too.=) Always smile and make silly jokes. Not only that. always look healthy eventhough I know you are facing a lot of problems ..I never heard word 'tired' from your mouth... why are you smiling and laughing so freely when you have more and bigger problems than anyone else??? Why are you giving so much when you have so little in hand??Why are you bother making people even stranger around you happy? Why do you care about others eventhough they never care about you at all?? Why why oh why?????.. I try to understand you at my best effort.. But the more I tried, the confuse I get.. May be, that's just the way you are =).. and that.. I'm really proud and yeah.. ENVIOUS.. That's why.. I keep coming feeling hateful towards you. yeahh. jealousy kills me =p *in a good way* and before I realise.. I came to liking you more.. and more..*__* because I'm so touched to have found a new 'mentor' in ma lifeu*__*
Yes, it's very appealing. Yes, I'm looking at you, while reflecting myself.. Sometimes, I want to be like you...I'm trying my best. May be I can't be like you, but some osem traits of you, I tried blend in my unique Bihachan's version ~!! =)
Thank you friend.. for never leaving by my side whenever I complaints, runaway, or cry, run again, up again. and cry again like kanaks2 ribena.. hehehe..thank you for being patient... Thank you friend.. who always nag and scold me badly..to the point I cried so much behind you, in front of you..=.='.. thank you friend.. for making me stronger.. jyeahh..
p/s: mada mada da ne ~_~
Tourists in Korea~~ heheh.. rindu korea la weyh.. bila nak pi lagi nih.=_= |
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