Saturday, 22 December 2012

Ye ke susah..?

Alhamdullah.. minggu yg memenatkan minda, dan fizikal telah berlalu..but.. it means final gettin closer. well..

Glad for this sem the study week seems longer*_*~so....drama marathon hehehe~~.. I need to brush up my yeongeo =_=.. it's gettin terrible nowadays. i wonder whyyyy~ but glad I still have my confident*_*~..

video arab+park.. assgmnt,project, report.. quiz, test, presntation..I did that all~ yahh~ im so proud of myself.Muahahaha~ *angkat bakul sat* 

kata2 semangat je tu. kasi usaha lagi.hoho..
and..for some reason. being bz is really good.. it makes me forgotten all remeh temeh problems.. heh~ it doesn't suit me at all ..right??^^

and writing like this. I miss something that i used to do back in walked alone~ *mcm lonerjer*.. no..actually.. it's really good. make me feel good^^~ free and easy your mind.. *byklah kaubiha*

and I really miss those moment.. I wish to do something adventurous like that.. haha.may be I shud try solo travel to Europe.*_*~wohoo. sounds cool.. *kumpul duettt*


BUT! Some1 is bothering me. ergh.. keep teasing me bout ***,yuyu, mumu, riri, etcc.. somehow girls are fun.. they make themselves as if they have so manys candal..kkkk.. but truth is, nothing~=_=~ lol.. why... kkk. cuz they keep clinging for the namja they can't get. HAHAHA. or may be they just simply haven't found the right one yet.. oh well~ nothing wrong with that.. but still it's weird.. ah, how to say this..... =_=... *krik3*...imstillsingleanyway. xD


Kata2 motivasi utk harini......

ad sorang kwn tanya.. "kenapa susah nak melapangkan org lain".. and ada kwn dia jwb... "kita kene rasa kasihan kat mereka"... heh~.. im sure some of us had this feeling also right..  kadang2 ak rs betul jgk tu..... kadang kte slalu rs.. why us? why me? why me again? stop asking.. but TAKE it.. ACCEPT it.. it's complimet dearest *_*~.. that means u're capable.. u're dependable.. u're trustworthy.. u're.. everything positive.. TAK.. bukan nak minta puji (=_=). But.. halsueobjahna~~ *bak kata org korea*.. there's nothing wrong for u to THINK that way... sy paham.. manusia ada byk ragam.. ada yg jenis suka diarah, suka mengarah. tak suka jadi ketua, etc. semua nak harap org.. byk golongan yg suka dipimpin dr memimpin..kan~~ sbb? malas nak pikir.. malas nak dipertanggunjawabkan.. yeah.kata kunci adalah MALAS.  

Mcm bila kta rs kasihan kat mangsa2 banjir, org2 miskin. org2 susah.. etc.. mcm tu jgk kta BOLEH fikir pabila kta rs susah sgt nak berKORBAN utk org lain.. atau kata lain MELAPANGKAN org lain.. kita kasihankan mereka kerana mereka KURANG pandai berkomunikasi.. atau KURANG keyakinan diri.. ATAU.. mmg tak RETI.. nak tunggu org mengarah juga... *walaupun hakikatnya hanya mereka yg tahu apa sebab mereka jadi begitu*... BUT.. we don't waste time to think what is in their mind.. kita bukan ahli nujum~~. so, make life simple.. DO~.. DO and DO~~ and bila rs susah.. rs lah kasihan pd mereka.. bygkan je mereka mangsa2 bajir ke.. hape ke.. but don't tell them.. haha~*nnt lain pula jadinya*.. this is what I called menghipnosis diri sendiri".LOL. *cliche~~ >_<*

Kata motivasi kedua.. I'm sharing something.. some pieces from my past memories*uiseh*.. Well... my teacher said.. kite kene aim big.. target mesti tinggi~~!.. Believe me.. I've experienced a very bottom.. and a very high ups of my life.. altho not so sophisticated like othe peeps.. but really.. U need to do something.. U need to change.. u need to make a change if u want to change your life.. take your action, and roll~!! If u're still at your position, u're not going anywhere..... or worse.. u sunk deeper~..

 p/s: My M-sama got new scandal.=_=. heh~ smpainya hati.

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