Monday, 31 December 2012

Lost in Korea

Last time I stated I wanted to share about my story in KOrea. hehe..
So I went w/ my besties, MissB and Miss H. That day was Wednesday, where we had to send back Ms B to Incheon airport cause she has to go back earlier for job interview.T_T.
We decided to shop at Namdaemun Market before sending her off. IDK why but that day, I was kinda in a bad mood.. well.. Maybe cuz of 'that'?? =_=. ~wutever, past is past~~
Anyway, I refused to be the tour guide cuz I dunno. So, I said, today is Ms H job to b our tour guide. So, I just follow your direction. I passed the subway map to her inside train that morning.. OTW to namdaemun.. So, we arrived at seoul st. to change train .. and I just said. where are u going? cuz i REALISED Miss H went to different direction. Act.I'm just joking around by saying that i want her to b tour guide of the day.really..I didn't expect her to take it serious..=.='.. of course, how could i JUST ASKED THEM, when i ALREADY promised to take care of them...T.T..

Back to the story, Miss B was in confusion instead seeing how me and miss h went to different direction. So, she shouted my name~ Biha, I lost of H. =_=. It happened in a split second. So, I turn back, and trackback the path miss H followed.. Then, I realised, none~! I couldn't see any sign of her.. T.T.. lost.. yeah.. I LOST HER!~

flashback a bit.. at the place where we stayed, we met this one old married couple.. they always love to travel around.. hmm. the day before we lost Miss H, the ajumma(wifeu) shared a scary story about how a foreigner got kidnapped by cleaner ajumma while she went to toilet alone, and her friends waited outside.... only to be found like 5 years later, with all her linb being cut.. etc.. it happened that it was an organ sindiket. whuhu..scary T__T..  so, the ajumma advised us to be careful and don't let your fren be alone in toilet. go together.

Back to story again, yes.. u were right.. that was what in my mind the moment I lost her.. I went upstairs, leaving the train platform, and to the autogate, but i couldn't see her. We thought of all possibilities that she might go down again, when she realised she had lost us.. So, we went to platfrm again.. and i RAN from one side to the other side.. u know how looong the train in kOREA is.. it was really long.... =.='' We even shouted her name, LOUDLY.. randomly... and all ppl there were like.. "what are these 2 girls are doing".. bUT at that tme, I don't care anymore else. i JUST HOPE to meet her.. Just that.. i ONLY want that... I don't care about anything else.. I tried to call her ph. but.. roaming on her ph didn't work..T.T worse right.. So, we couldn't contact her.. Miss B said, may be she already went to namdemun ahead of us.. or, go back to GH.. I dunno.. I can't think of anything.. cuz i HONESTLY thought she's under my care. Kinda like i TREAted her like small child.. aigooo.=_=.I'm the one who didn't understand about my bestie at all.T__T.... I keep saying.. No, no, she dunno.. miss b argued, but she has the map.. hmm...I was contemplating.. So, we went to auto gate again.. and keep arguing.. then, mISS B said, she saw her went to platform..but she not sure.. So, we chased after 'that someone'..Only. to to realised, we have already again.. lost in our finding..T.T

Can I cut the story?? terlalu pnjnglah.. hish.. So, ktorang pun naik atas, then jumpa sorang ajusshi. he asked, "u two looked lost.. may i help u?" aww.. ada juga org yg prihatin.. so, we story from a - z. then, he asked to wait while he went to the station office.. few mnts/seconds later, an ajumma came out, and asked us to go inside the office.. huhu.. so, again, we story from a-z.. She made announcement at the station..but in korean language.. she said, may be your fren already went to GH.. But we keep inssting that she is the least independent amongst us.. aigoo.=_=''.. We stayed at the office like almost 1 hour.. we even asked if we can view the cctv... yes, I did cried.t.t MIss b TOO. we were so worried to death.. BuT somehow, im so glad miss b is with me. she was rather calm..*_*~.. different from me hu keep assuming negative endless.=_=''' *blame the ajumma at our GH*.

So, we went to platform again, cuz Miss B said she remembered the exact door/gate we get off from the train.. ..buT ajumma said, cctv cannot be viewed by anyone.. but it seems like the nice ajumma nego w/ the officer head seeing how pitiful us two .=_=''' sob3... she even asked me to do the accnouncement.. lol.I was like..can I do that? then.. I made announcement in Malay, and English... for the malay, i said sth like this..  biha, it's not time to be nervous!! So i did..." H, ko kat mane?? ni aku, biha, and B... kalau kau dengar ni, kitorang tgh tunggu kat office.. kat seoul st. office.. datang tau.. H, datang tau! kitorang tunggu'.. *soinformaliknow* =_=...

Then, ajumma wrote something like announcement words on her computer.. and even asked me to correct any grammatical mistake.=_=.. cuz she said she'll instruct announcement to be made at all subway st. in Seoul.Waw.. For some reason, I thought.. thing has gone like really serious...=_=''' then, we waited again.. brainstorming of any possibilities of Miss H wherebouts.. we decided to go back to GH. bEFORE that, we called our fren, Mr T who studied there (Yes,I love alphabets.=_=)... and he was like *krik3*... speechless I supposed on the phone.haha. but for some reason, I'm seeing all ppl kinda calm.. lol.. only us two like worried too much??=_=...  so, we leave his ph nmber there, since we don't have any. and promised we'll call him every 10 mnts or so, to get update.. OTW back, i JUST REalised, it's almost time mss B need to go to Incheon.T.T... whaa.. at this point, i WAS THINKING, so,I'll be alone searching for Miss H.. this is really2 scary.. bUT i said to myself, it's ok.. I can do this... I wll carry on the duty.. (Act I don't mind being alone, but being alone while lost my fren in a FOREIGN PLACE, somehow, is beyond scary..T.T.)..

Mss B keep asking me, how to go to incheon.. blah.. and i was kinda worried too, that she'll get lost on her way.. bUT I've no choice but to believe in my frens. right... so, I taught her how to get to airport..i NEVER been so serious like that, while 'coaching' someone.. hmmm.. =_='''

So, we arrived at GH... so damn nervous.. Even on subway, I keep praying, pls be there, pls be there pls be there.... I asked mss b... "camne kalau H takde?" then, miss b replied " ak tak tau bila next time aku akan jumpa dia lagi.." T.T. so scary then, i replied.. " Ok, miss B, u better shut up.." T.T...

At GH... we saw her shoe.. that still there since the morning we left.. at the ajumma's room.. cuz ajumma will help to repair he shoe, by sending to cobbler nearby.. then, i was so worried.. which means, she haven't pick up her shoe that yet.. so, meaning, she isn't there... that.. what miss b thougt..=_=..

BUT.. suddenly, a yellow coat figure that seems familiar came out from the kitchen.. "Biha! B!~!! korang pegi mana??" w/ innoncent smile, that person asked  T__T...
We were like  "H!!!! ." then, we had a group hug on the spot..T.T miss b burst into tears.. T.T i had cried enuf at the office.. We said sorry to her, blah3.. then, she was like clueless of what had happend.=_='' 

Miss B keep saying sorry to her, cuz she scolded her few days before.. well, these 2 ppl fought alot... then, I had to be the middle person.. kkkkkk =_='' Anyway, so, problem solved.. hoho.. at the end, I just realised, may be I'm being over paranoid.. =_=.. I forgot my frens also the same age of mine.. of course they can take care of themselves.. so, that day, I learned something more.. about my frens.. =)..
We then phoned MrT saying that we had reunited =_=..

Funny thing, Miss H just laughed like non-stop when we tell the the full story and that we made announcemnt at the st. and even the cctv thingy.=_=..

But I don't care anymore.. Laugh as much as u want>_<, just want to say, thank you Allah for making us reunite again..T____T.. I honestly was thinking I might probbly be scolded by her relatives and my family for not taking good care of my fren there. blah3.. kkkk~=.=''

Since we have plenty of time, we can send Miss B back to epot, and had a bibimap there as well.>_<
*suddenly feel hungry*..


Thursday, 27 December 2012

Sesat di France~

Aish. rs cam nak ketok2 je pale adek aku nih.=_=.. nyusahkan family ja keje... motif ak tls camni.. aigoo... dunno how to say lah.. hmmmm.. kadang ak pun x fm dgn family aku ni ha. but.. what im sure is.. it was a good deed.... but pls la adek, klau mahu bwat baik pun pikir your family jgk taw..T_T.. sian si akim td mengangkut sratus cucuk satay.. korang nk tau tak nape ak tak ske nak suruh parents ak bwat umah terbuka bagai.. or ajak kwn reramai dtg umah.. ak tak kesah dorang nk dtg, tp klau ramai2.. aku kesah yg byk.. adelah sbb nya.. takleh kactau. prvate n confidential. *so?* =.='' hehe~


Anyway, alang2 dah tls ni bkn ape, teringin gila *hyperbolanyerr* nak share psl.. some of my past la.. hehe.. korang pnah tak tersesat sengsorang kat.. tempat asing.. SORANG2~ korang takde dwet, takde contact *sbb korang kat oversea kan*.. pastu, mlm2 lagi.. and nak communicate pun tak reti, sbb taktau bahasa ... hehehe.. ni nak cter....

it was nearly midnight.. around march.. in a country called.. France.. I was alone.. after watching my uppatachi.. I can't get hold to my unni (she studied in Germany?*i forgot*) and worse, my mobile ph operator just hate me, the roaming system didn't work.. T.T.. glad, it wasn't so cold since spring is appraoching.. I have only little money.. I'm not sure of the direction, cuz i thought my unni will be my tour guide there, and my train map, I gave to my dongseng, cuz she's leaving earlier to catch her flight back to Egypt and to M'sia.. Ah. it was complicated to explain anyway =_=.. I didn't care to write down the hotel name, and I don't know how to speak their language, cuz, they just refuse to speak in English.. That.. was the first time I felt so lost in my life.. Like a small kid get separated from her mommy at shopping complex.=_='' all because... I depend too much on my thought that .. I'll meet my unni after the show finish and she'll guide me from there, but i didn't think of a possibility I might not be able to contact her..T.T..

I have so many funny thought.. Like... Should I just sleep anywhere.. macam homeless. *haha*. atau, redah je pegi hotel unni. sbb ak igtlah gak sket nma hotel tu.. but.. not so sure.. so it's like 50-50 .wohoo~ cemas tak *_*~.. but worse thing is.. ak bwk sket je duit taw.T.T and org kata, paris ni bhy tau malam2..T.T.. ing~.. time tu gila pasrah .. then, I looked back.. i did crazy thing by flying here and there.. haha.. tp ianya menyeronokkan.. sbbnya gila korea sgt kan =_='' but suma tu experience.. oh, lupa nak smbung crita.. akhirnya, ak jumpa gak unni aku. dia kol tepon ak guna tepon ada budak indon kot ..hoho.. random gila kan~kkkkk... tp time tu sgt bersyukur.. aku punya dah cemas tau. dekat sejam gaklah tersadai kat tepi station ketapi berkira-kira nak redah je hotel mana2.+_+'' or tido kat station ketapi.*haha*. and we met at le zenith ..*__*.time tu Tuhan je tahu betapa leganya t.t. sob3.. tu la pegalaman lost plg scary.

Pengalaman lain, sesat di London.. actually bkn sesat, tp tepisah dr kengkawan aku.hehe.. nntilah lain kali ak cter~.. plg cemas gila gila gila*sgtlah biha oii*. time terpisah dgn bestie time kat korea this year. tu pun, nnt aku cterr jeng3~~*_*~

today I tried to make teh c peng using gula melaka. well. it wasn't bad for the 1st try.. except I need to buy evaporated milk instead. haha~ =_=. *the tase is similar to normal tea, UNFORTUNATELY* T.T zannen des ne.. zehi ganbattekimas.>__<~~

mungkin sy patut belajar buat bendalah ni..*_*~

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Ye ke susah..?

Alhamdullah.. minggu yg memenatkan minda, dan fizikal telah berlalu..but.. it means final gettin closer. well..

Glad for this sem the study week seems longer*_*~so....drama marathon hehehe~~.. I need to brush up my yeongeo =_=.. it's gettin terrible nowadays. i wonder whyyyy~ but glad I still have my confident*_*~..

video arab+park.. assgmnt,project, report.. quiz, test, presntation..I did that all~ yahh~ im so proud of myself.Muahahaha~ *angkat bakul sat* 

kata2 semangat je tu. kasi usaha lagi.hoho..
and..for some reason. being bz is really good.. it makes me forgotten all remeh temeh problems.. heh~ it doesn't suit me at all ..right??^^

and writing like this. I miss something that i used to do back in walked alone~ *mcm lonerjer*.. no..actually.. it's really good. make me feel good^^~ free and easy your mind.. *byklah kaubiha*

and I really miss those moment.. I wish to do something adventurous like that.. haha.may be I shud try solo travel to Europe.*_*~wohoo. sounds cool.. *kumpul duettt*


BUT! Some1 is bothering me. ergh.. keep teasing me bout ***,yuyu, mumu, riri, etcc.. somehow girls are fun.. they make themselves as if they have so manys candal..kkkk.. but truth is, nothing~=_=~ lol.. why... kkk. cuz they keep clinging for the namja they can't get. HAHAHA. or may be they just simply haven't found the right one yet.. oh well~ nothing wrong with that.. but still it's weird.. ah, how to say this..... =_=... *krik3*...imstillsingleanyway. xD


Kata2 motivasi utk harini......

ad sorang kwn tanya.. "kenapa susah nak melapangkan org lain".. and ada kwn dia jwb... "kita kene rasa kasihan kat mereka"... heh~.. im sure some of us had this feeling also right..  kadang2 ak rs betul jgk tu..... kadang kte slalu rs.. why us? why me? why me again? stop asking.. but TAKE it.. ACCEPT it.. it's complimet dearest *_*~.. that means u're capable.. u're dependable.. u're trustworthy.. u're.. everything positive.. TAK.. bukan nak minta puji (=_=). But.. halsueobjahna~~ *bak kata org korea*.. there's nothing wrong for u to THINK that way... sy paham.. manusia ada byk ragam.. ada yg jenis suka diarah, suka mengarah. tak suka jadi ketua, etc. semua nak harap org.. byk golongan yg suka dipimpin dr memimpin..kan~~ sbb? malas nak pikir.. malas nak dipertanggunjawabkan.. yeah.kata kunci adalah MALAS.  

Mcm bila kta rs kasihan kat mangsa2 banjir, org2 miskin. org2 susah.. etc.. mcm tu jgk kta BOLEH fikir pabila kta rs susah sgt nak berKORBAN utk org lain.. atau kata lain MELAPANGKAN org lain.. kita kasihankan mereka kerana mereka KURANG pandai berkomunikasi.. atau KURANG keyakinan diri.. ATAU.. mmg tak RETI.. nak tunggu org mengarah juga... *walaupun hakikatnya hanya mereka yg tahu apa sebab mereka jadi begitu*... BUT.. we don't waste time to think what is in their mind.. kita bukan ahli nujum~~. so, make life simple.. DO~.. DO and DO~~ and bila rs susah.. rs lah kasihan pd mereka.. bygkan je mereka mangsa2 bajir ke.. hape ke.. but don't tell them.. haha~*nnt lain pula jadinya*.. this is what I called menghipnosis diri sendiri".LOL. *cliche~~ >_<*

Kata motivasi kedua.. I'm sharing something.. some pieces from my past memories*uiseh*.. Well... my teacher said.. kite kene aim big.. target mesti tinggi~~!.. Believe me.. I've experienced a very bottom.. and a very high ups of my life.. altho not so sophisticated like othe peeps.. but really.. U need to do something.. U need to change.. u need to make a change if u want to change your life.. take your action, and roll~!! If u're still at your position, u're not going anywhere..... or worse.. u sunk deeper~..

 p/s: My M-sama got new scandal.=_=. heh~ smpainya hati.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Minggu plg hectic

bende plg best adalah dpt tulis blog..=DD.

Picit2 pale sat.. siyes harini pale ak sakit sgt. mkn panadol pun tak jln.. ak rasa sbb tak ckup tidur 3 hari lepas sbb bz siapkan report suma and tests..  pulak td baru si mimi kasitau bende yg sensasi *ayat tak ble bla*. bertambah saket pale den.. heh.. takpelah, kan aku dah decide nak meneruskan pelayaran =)

Anyway, the hectic weeks are here T_T.. bende yg plg stress. heh. menempuhi minggu2 terakhir sem before final exam.time ni suma nak sumbat.. test, quiz, presentations, video bagai, assgments... Honestly ak bkn jenis yg pandai handle suma bende that datang terjelepuk sekli harung..pap~!
Dan plg tak best, tiem2 camni ak akan alami personality change.. di mana aku akan kurang bercakap.. and mcm tak nmpak org sgt.haha~ so, ak mintak maap ssgt kat kengkwn yg terasa.. siyes.. ak mmg tak dpt nak kawal.. aku lebih selesa jd LONE RANGER time2 camni.hoho..~ kepala ak penuh dgn apa aku nak bwat lepas ni.pastu, apa plak.. kira cam aku dah rancang schedule aku ahead of time. Ak pikir kte kenelah study kan klau nak dpt result bagus. klau x study mana lah kan~ =_='' so, kadang ak tak fhm nape kwn2 ak cam terkejut klau ak ckp mestilah kene hapal bende2 nih lau camtu cane nak jwb paper. haha. entahlah~ hehe.. and dorang ckp aku terlebih gigih... aku rs cam lawak je.. sbb ak bwat assgmnt pun byk last2 minute gak.. and ak tak bwat nota sgt cam org len.. slalu ak bc slides on lappy jak... tahla.. may be this is my style~~ *biha style..* hahahahaha

.sbb ak prasan, ble kte squeeze suma bende dlm satu masa.. mmg akan terjadi.. kte jd stress melampau. and hasil kerja pun cam hampas..kan... sbb tu ak taknak bende camtu.. walaupun ak ni taklah kategori ulat buku (untungla bleh ngaku).. tp ak masihlah ada hajat besar mahu dpt dekan kan dis sem. tahla.. bg aku... mcm tak penting suma2 tu. TAPI.. aku nak kasi something kat parents aku.. ak nak kasi dorang gembira. tu je yg ak mampu bwat dlm masa sekarang.. bwat dorang hepi.... sem satu ak dpt 3.37 jak... and mak aku x ckp pape.. tp aku cam dpt rasakan dia mahu ak dekan.. mcm bleh baca riak wajah dia tu..hehe.. so, ak rasa sedikit kuciwa la dlu sbb tak dpt dekan kan.=_=''..

well. this sem ak tataulah apa jadi.haha.; tempat baru, cabaran pun baru... semua bende baru. Culture shock tu mmg bykkkk sgt.. dr pelbagai aspek.... especially budaya toyol.. haha..siyes dasyat sgt=_='' ak pnah ngadu kt bebe.. dia ckp.. "Bi-chan..u just imagine the OUTSIDE world is filled w/ ppl that has so many colors"

Macam2 la.. takkan ak nak cter kot... Hopefully keimanan aku dikuatkan... Kwn ak pnah pesan.. "biha ko jgn stat bwat bende tak elok.... sbb skali bwat, pastu mesti nak bwat lagi.. and akhirnya jadi terbiasa"

Kata2 hikmat tuk ad sorang kwn ak share a video.. Dr. Maza kot.. about Allah is always here for us... tp klau kita merintih tu kte kene igt dah brape byk nikmat yg Dia dah beri.. bersyukurlah selalu dan jalankan kewajipan sebaiknya. =)

p.s: tadi ak nmpak org post pic durian crepe kt fb..ahh.. siyes, tergoda weyh..T.T.. ak tak pnah teringin mahu cuba.haha~~ kt mlaka ni ak r cam pemes jek oh org jual=_=''

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Ya Allah..aku hamba lalai...

Penah tak korang rasa looser/give up gila bila..

1) result truk gila.
2) kene repeat paper..balik2 repeat .. padahal kwn2 bek korang suma steady jerr.
3) break dgn awek/bf..
4) Org yg korang sker buat dek jer bile korang ngorat/dia dah ada org len
5) byk sgt bende kene bwat in 1 time dgn assgmnents, test, reports, projects, presentation, finals yg nk dekat sdgkan byk lg yg korang tak faham psl subjects tu
6) kene berenti study

And byk la lg jenis kegagalan dlm kehidupan.. tu cth2 jerr~. actually kan, bila ak pkir balik.. time ak berenti dlu, ad sorang kwn aku ni pnah ckp kat kwn yg len .. "it's ok.. because she's biha.."
seriously.. time tu rasa mcm ada batu berat hempap atas bila my fren ckp cenggitu, then bwat ak terpikir blk.. Allah takkan kasi obstacles yg hambaNya tak dpt nak harungi.. So, ak tahu ak bleh handle suma bende2 ni. Nangis mmg, itu satu anugerah yg Allah kasi kan.. nangis lah tp jgn smpai MEMUDARATKAN.. bahkan scientific proved that cries make you feel better emotionally.

Cukuplah Allah bagiku.. selalu igt bende ni.. and kejarlah akhirat berbanding dunia. insyaAllah steady je hidup weyh. bayangkan, kat dunia ni idup average 60 tahun gitu.. tp.. akhirat?? FOREVERR~~ juta222 tahun etc.. and nikmatnya?? berganda-ganda lagi... So.. kadang aku siyes tak fhm nape kita duk sibuk2 terkejar-kejar dgn dunia..and akhirat tu dilepaskan.. cth 1... ada kelas pd waktu solat zuhur, then, student ni segan nak mntak izin kuar gi solat.. akhirnya, zhur itu berlalu pergi~~ shuuu~~

balasan.. hush.. api neraka.. gerun oh.. takat kene marah dgn lecturer klau kuar/ malu takut kekawan kata ko bajet alim.. awak.... solat tu WAJIB ok.. bukan nak bajet alim..

seolahnya, macam kalau ko taknak hantar assigmnt kat lecturer.. apehal sebok2 nak antar assgmnt kan.. camtu lah seolah-olah bila korang tak solat seolahnya macam kau pikir.."hello, bwat apa nak bz2 solat.ah...malas ahh~" bahkan solat ni lagilah... nauzubillah...

seriously.. wahai org2 yg tak solat.. tanyalah pada diri sendiri.. kalau awak mati sekejap saja lagi.. cth. 5 mnts lagi.. bayangkanla,,, kejap je..tak lama.. bayangkan kau masuk api neraka tu, kene bakar, smpai jadi abu,, pastu idup balik, pastu kene bakar balik.. pastu, time jalan kat titian sirat, bayangkan je la bwh tu cam ada larva.. and anda pula mmg sah tak bleh lepas.. komfem jatuh!~ itu belum masuk siksa kubur lgi.......

wahai org2 yg tak solat.. PAKSALAH diri anda.. jgnlah diikutkan/dilayan perasaan malas. igtlah balasan Allah terhadap org2 yg ingkar pd perintahNya adalah PASTI!~

Sekejap.. Mungkin awak lupa.. kenapa? sbb awak tak pernah nak sahut panggilan 5 kali sehari drpd-Nya.. awak tak pernah nak hadir majlis ilmu agama, awak tak pernah nak bukak Al-Quran and fahami maksud, awak tak pernah ada tefikir pasal akhirat..Awak langsung tiada usaha walaupun sekelumit utk muhasabah diri ... bahkan, awak TERlalu asyik dgn pementasan drama DUNIA.. everyday about dunia... no end~

Jadi, bagaimana mahu timbul hidayah dalam hati awak??? bagaimana??? hidayah tak dtg pd siapa yg mencari... yakinlah dgn janji-Nya...

Kesimpulannya, jgn tunggu besok.. mulalah skarang!~ istiqamah mungkin cabaran, tetapi awak mesti yakin awak boleh. Jgn putus asa dan berdoa kepada-Nya.. Sesungguhnya pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka luas.. CUMA.. masa awak yg TERHAD..

Kawan2 dan org sekeliling hanya boleh becakap dan memberi nasihat.. tindakan.. keputusan, semua terletak pada awak... awak pilihlah.. nak yg buruk nak yg baik..Nak dunia, atau akhirat+dunia...nak masuk syurga, atau neraka.. nak ibubapa awk masuk neraka or nak ibubapa awak masuk syurga sbb tanggung dosa awak... tanpa alasan.. TANPA alasan.. alasan hanya membuatkan usaha awak GAGAL!

Awak, awak dah besar.. awak fikirlah sebaiknya..
