Friday, 16 November 2012

Azam tahun baru =D

I was wondering what makes me so emotion unstable yesterday and early today.. it was the same reason and it happend almost every month for girls... ehem..=_=.. well,put that aside..~

For me, kematangan is something to do w/ how you look at things.. like.. I believe manusia tu fitrah dia sukakan bende yg baik. so, bebaru ni aku rasa cam looser klau buat jahat.. how to say.. cth, ble aku buang2 masa ker dgn bende tak faedah, or tak belajar, terlebih main, and byk gelak, and terlibat dgn bende2 langho... different from before.... I felt exceptionally annoyed and guilty if I DID ANY OF THOSE. takdela aku nak bajet aku ni matang~ bila dah umur2 begini, aku cam dapat rasakan the way I think is kinda different.. kadang aku rs aku cam lambat matang sket dr kengkwn aku yg len.haha~


Recently.. I met my old frens, they said I've SERIOUSLY changed alot =_=, like gettin thinner, or taller..=_=.. or may be cuz of my style?? ah~ .. honestly, I never care bout my appearance until I joined HM221 family~After that, I felt a bit conscious bout my style and fashion..ehem.. then I realised, I've changed.. not much, but lil by lil. yeah..and only ppl who have known me before can see that.. It make me feel good, cuz i think the change was for good.. I hope.insyaAllah =)

BUT.. that's NOT the MAIN point.. The most important thing.. the inner self of mine.personality, the way i talk, that has CHANGED.. Hmm.. I can't say it properly here, but somehow I think .."this way is cool, and calm.. Im so grateful that Allah had given me chance to change.." But, when u change, there's a price for that.. ppl come and go, and only special ppl and accepting u truly will remain with u.. =)

Today's funny story.. haha.. I dunno, may be cuz i LIKE TO BEfriend w/ ppl that are younger than me, somehow,  i feel young too.*perasan jap*. so, we went for a muvi.. weird one.i rgretted it.=_=.. totally.. For the frst time i leave the hall w/ the unfinish muvi (i regret it cuz I shud've leave even lot earlier than 1st half.=_=)..oh well.. funny thing, the staffs tot we were under 18 =_=.. funny funny.. when they check aida's IC and even repeated our birthyear TWICE (Shock I guessed).. hahaha..
well. im not even surprised..cuz it happened to me before.. awet muda, biasalah kan.. HAHAHA..but aida's expression was EPIC... Some of my frens even being mistaken as PRIMARY STUDENTS..... the harsh reality xD

Azam tahun baru nih~!
1) 4.00
2) menghargai masa
3) kurangkan ketawa
4) bykkan membaca bende ILMIAH
5) meningkatkan penggunaan diri kepada masyarakat utk perkara yg baik2
6) kurangkan beban ibubapa...
7) menjaga solat (khusyuk, awal waktu, wudu lebih sempurna..)
8) bedah Al-Quran and amalkan ~
9) menjadi gadis yg lebih ayu luaran n dalaman.........*haha*
10) sentiasa memperbaiki hbgn dgn Allah terutamanya.
11) menjaga tutur kata, and hbgn dgn manusia.
12) Lebih berani, yakin, sensitive dgn keadaan sekeliling, and responsible.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Rasa bersalah...

X dpt tdor.. Ak rs cam dah bwat salah kt seseorng.. T_T.i dunno how to face him... Arghh. Rupanya ak ni pngecut gak.hahah.. Biarlah dia.. Phm2 sendirilah sy sdh decline offer anda..huhu.. (bkn spt ap yg anda fikir ye)

Also.. Lg sorang ni.. So annoying.. annoying kerana beliau x prnah nk mmbantu keadaan.tsk tsk tsk.. Ap yg dia tahu, bwat org jadi x betul.. Terkadang ble bc blk ap ak tls rs cam nak nyorok dlm almari laju2 =_=.Sapekah yg bertuah tu? Sesape je la yg terasa.haha

Lg sorang ni sengal2 ubi.hehe... I dunno.. Its complikated oh.. Or mngkin sy tkut banana fruit 2 times.=_=  *ttbe rs nk mkn pisang

Actually.. Ak plg tak suka kene marah.. Bebaru ni ak ad bwat salah kat grupmateku.. N kene tegur secara sinis..T_T.. And ak masih igt ekspresi dia walau 1week dah berlalu..waaa.. Ak patut mntak maaf..sbb mmg ak yg salah walau ap alsn sekalipun..t_t nk fikir bende yg merunsingkan. Baik ak study.haha. Untunglah klau bleh fokus..=_=hiks

P/s: walopun bdak tp ak ske pic ni.haha

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Ppl changed...

Either fer good, or bad..
Im sorry that I leave..
Since 4 years back.. Ive been struggling..
The time has come...

Now or never..

Im sorry but I had fabulous time..
Ill treasure the memories remained..
Thank you Allah..


Friday, 9 November 2012

random update

بسم لله الرحمن الرحيم

Lama dah tak update blog.. Well.. takde pape yg interesting.. hehe..tipu2. =p..
Actually byk sgt bende yg berlaku.. hmm termasuklah aku dah selamat pergi and balik korea..hoho.. my 3rd house*__*~  ok.maka genaplah ali ke4 aku pi sana.. hmm~ how to say.. kadang bila org tnya, knapa ak pegi sana?? kenapa suka pegi sana? ap yg best sgt smpai aku suka balik2 nak pegi sana.. entahlah.. kadang aku rasa.. mungkin ni  limitnya.. masud aku, mungkin ak patut stop pergi korea.. sbb kadang ak rasa.. aku pegi sana sbb perasaan dia macam .. like hey, im back home again~ haha.tat kind of feeling ~___~.. weird right.. but itulah yg aku rs.. mcm bla abg aku kata dia teringin nak pegi oversea gak..ak slalu ckp..ala, negara sendiri jgk yg best oh.. pastu dia jwb.. ye lah. org yg dah byk kali fly mmg tak rasa ape dah.. time tu terdiam aku.. pastu abg aku tnya... pas ni, ko nak pegi mana plak.. aku diam... mmg aku suka sgt's like...... shopping or make up to women.. macm tu lah aku rasa keperluan traveling tu kat aku... tp.. time abg ak tnya,, spontan ku ckp.may be nak kumpul duet.. motif?? aku pun tatau.. .. sbb ak rasa, klau byk duet, senang sket hidup kan.. kan??=_=..
selain tu.. sjak 2 menjak aku mcm minat dgn club/community/ volunteer thingies.. heh.. and kadang, mcm tersemangat lebih.cuma kekangan masa n transportation yg tak mengizinkan. hmm~
sbb aku rasa.. idup aku ni singkat sgt.. kat dunia.. bek kte gunakan diri kte sepenuhnya utk manfaat kat org lain.. drpd duk fikir masalah yg bukan2 and masa depan yg kabur2.. =_=.. and at the same time.. aku rasa satisfied by doing that..  maksud aku. i live fully to my present..

berbalik pada itulah yg aku rasa about korea.. kan travel needs on maslow hierarchy tuh.. ..pada aku.. destinasi korea tu dh smpai tahap self-fulfilment level.. plg atas tuh..hmm.. ~sbb tu lah aku rasa mcm dah takde sbb aku nak gedik2 pi sana,, unless aku nak ulang blk pyramid maslow tu dr basic..haha.. in other words.. live there~ for good~...

Korea was awesome for me.. klau tak, takdelah aku smpai nak asik2 pergi sana.. org tanya, tak teringin ke ak nak pi negara china ke, indon ke,thai ke. etc.. entahla.. klau negara luar len yg aku nak pegi pun..may be mekah.. yeah..~~

klau tak, mesti korea.. sbb.. ak rasa, dia dah mcm rumah ke3 aku.haha~ everything gives me home feeling.. mmg org korea ni lain dr m'sia.. tp, tah~ ak mcm bleh terima korea lg dari jepun.hoho.~ kawen dgn org korea terus la biha senang.. haha.. tu yg kakmawar ckp.. untunglah klau jodoh org korea tu tetibe muncul dpn mata.=_=.

Uiks.. melalut dah ni.. nak tidur.. bisuk ad org nak belnja haku*_*~. hohohoho.. rezeki jgn dtolak.heh..

hmm.. and cam biasa.. aku slalu nak tekankan.. setakat ni, aku tak pernah nyesal dgn bende yg aku dha bwat.. either salah, or betul.. kadang aku sedar, kadang aku tak sedar, apa yg ptg, aku sentiasa belajar.. and try my best utk jadi a better person........

Bila pkir camni, aku rasa fikiran lapang snd sgt tenang.. =)

nami island autumn end of Oct 2012..